Fee information for Early Childhood Music Playgroups

All classes are running face to face at our venue in Randwick.

For 2024 Term 4 Josie Rampley is teaching the Randwick playgroup classes.

Friday mornings for toddlers and preschoolers (3+years and/or siblings) and a baby

Where possible, whole term bookings are preferred to help us run the class with consistency.

If booking a casual class, we request that the booking be made well in advance of the day of attendance.

For Sydney playgroups we request a booking for a whole term:  for 10 weeks. (Starting Friday 17th October and going to Friday 29th December) 

Whole term bookings come with an extra 'guest' class you can offer to a friend who is new to Ukubebe, by prior arrangement with Jo please


10.10am-10.50am Age: 18 months-3 years: 

An ideal class for toddlers who for toddlers who are highly active, are now walking and who may sleep over the lunchtime


11.00am-11.50am: An ideal class for ages 3+ years and/or siblings: ideal for families with siblings or for preschoolers 3+ years.


11.50am-12.30pm An ideal class for ages 0-1year or walking. For children who are sleeping in the early to mid morning  

Casual, single classes are still available as booked 'drops-ins' at $30 per class for a single child

SIBLING FEE extra $15 per class.

Randwick venue downstairs at 207 Avoca st Randwick (Laugh and Learn Toy Shop). Classes are on Thursdays  mornings.

If you purchased the new percussion and resource kit please bring this to your class. It is no longer a pre-requisite as it was introduced as part of our COVID safety measures. It is however ideal for you to bring and also use your percussion kit at home.

CASUAL FEE please pay before your class via the booking for on the website, thank you (please see above). Please do not arrive unannounced at your class. Josie will not be receiving any payments at the class. 

Make up classes may be available for missed classes due to sickness, if you give us notice of your absence.

If you do not attend your class and you haven't given us notice, we cannot offer you a make up class, as your spot could have been offered to another family, and everyone looses out. 

Please do not supply your own instruments or resources at our classes.

Please do not bring food for your child or your self to eat in the class. Please do not bring any hot drinks to the class.

Please only attend any class if you and your child/ren are well. Please do not attend any class, if you or your child has required some Panadol to feel well enough or OK for the class. We are happy to offer make up classes if and when you need to cancel due to sickness.

CANCELLING YOUR CLASS. Please use the booking system if you need to cancel a class. Kindly log in to your account and select 'book a class'. When the calendar opens, go to the date of the class you are cancelling and 'uncheck' the class. You will receive a credit for your next booking. This credit will appear at the checkout when you make a booking.

Ukubebe Watermelon Jazz Album

All children attending the Early childhood program and the ukulele class are asked to purchase the Ukubebe album 'Watermelon Jazz' so they can sing and play at home

New Enrolments

New children are always welcome and term fees are due before the first class of term to secure your place (subject to availability).

Continuing children

Term fees are due by the start of term, to secure your place.

Community playgroups

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